Chronic pain

In hypnotherapeutic practices, we often meet people who have usually been treated exclusively based on a symptom-oriented diagnostic.
In our view, however, a holistic view of the pain is necessary. We see the body and soul as one unit. Our job is to find and, if necessary, heal any emotional causes that contribute to the pain and have the power to increase it.

Hypnotherapy and pain

Modern hypnotherapy can often provide patients suffering from pain with essential and useful tools for both detecting the emotional causes of pain and con In the state of hypnotic trance, it is possible to reduce the patients’ sensibility significantly to pain or even eliminate it.

Before the introduction of chloroform and ether, hypnosis was used to induce anesthesia. More and more dentists are using this analgesic effect of hypnosis in their practice.

Hypnosis can clearly and sustainably influence chronic pain!

How exactly does hypnosis work in chronic pain?

Recent scientific studies have shown that in many areas, hypnosis can be even more effective than the most potent drugs available.

For example, there is an instance where severe pain conditions are no longer responsive to massive anesthetics can be successfully treated in hypnosis. In contrast to all medications, the use of hypnosis is entirely free of side effects, which can additionally promote your healing considerably.

Emotional pain

Pain does not always have to be physical. Our psyche has an often-underrated impact on our health. You might be surprised to know that stress can be the reason behind a huge variety of complaints.

Emotions are not tangible. Therefore, emotional pain is severe for most people to understand. But they are there.

If the doctor tells you that there are no obvious physical causes for your pain, this does not mean that you imagine this pain.

Pain is real and is triggered often by suppressed emotions, stress, excitement, and other emotions.

Chronic pain affects the quality of life of countless people

The path of suffering often begins with acute pain due to an injury or illness. Over time this pain develops into chronic pain, which persists even after the causative tissue damage is gone – the pain has become an independent disease.

Chronic pain is often accompanied by other discomforts such as sleep disorders, poor appetite, increased irritability, and depressive moods. Also, they can signify severe restrictions in your everyday life, work, and leisure life.

Chronic pain is always subject to physical, psychological and social influences.

Therapy of chronic pain

People with chronic pain need an appropriate level of therapy motivation to achieve a profound and lasting solution to the pain problem.

With the hypnotherapy, we offer chronic pain patients a highly effective techniques to control this pain so that their emotional and physical health improves rapidly.

Biodynamic hypnosis offers patients in pain a wide variety of treatment approaches:

  • With the help of the highly effective mindfulness self-hypnosis, you can influence the pain independently at any time.
  • Deep physical and mental relaxation during the hypnotic trance can effectively and naturally promote recovery of the body and soul.
  • Unconscious and physical self-healing potentials can be (re) activated, promoting sustainable improvements on the immune system, the vegetative functions, and metabolism.
  • Energy therapy can harmonize the energy flow and thus help in solving blockages.
  • Conflict-resolving hypnotherapeutic interventions can relieve the soul and, thus, the organism.
  • Often emotions and self-punishment tendencies can be effectively dealt with.

How certain is a therapeutic success?

Unfortunately, we are not magicians, and hypnosis does not provide a miracle cure. A lasting improvement in the quality of life depends on various factors:

  • The complexity and duration of the existent problem,
  • The readiness of the client to let go of his/her problem
  • As well as the willingness to actively participate.

Biodynamic hypnosis is a helpful tool and can lead to sustainable change.

 For what type of pain is biodynamic hypnosis suitable?

We assume that you -as a patient suffering from pain- are under medical treatment. No matter what your diagnosis is, biodynamic hypnosis can help you sustainably.

Your treatment for chronic pain

• 3 to 6 sessions
• Session length: 2 or 3 hours

Our services
Hypnotic intensive sessions for test anxiety. Those include:
o   Free telephone support
o   Minimum one hypnosis CD/Stick for relaxation
• Regression and analytic-conversational hypnosis,
• Hypnosis-coaching,
• Mindfulness,
• Work with part-personalities,
• Healing of the inner child,
• MEFT (Mindful Emotional Freedom Therapy),
• NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming),
• Energy therapy – are used depending on the problem.
o   Mindful self-hypnosis, which is a highly effective self-hypnosis technique for physical and mental self-influencing results.

Further information

You can find additional information regarding methods of biodynamic hypnosis HERE. Please also note the paragraph about contraindications. Any questions? Give us a call or arrange a ½ hour free appointment.

§§§ We are not doctors, do not make any medical diagnoses, administer or prescribe any medications, and we do not give any promises of healing. Our work as a hypnotherapist (state-approved for psychotherapy/health insurance) cannot replace a visit to a doctor. The therapists can decide in individual cases whether to accept or reject a treatment.

Methods we apply