Trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder

Trauma can occur from accidents, violent crimes, natural disasters, rape, but also from other externally classified harmless events. What all sufferers experience together are feelings of fear and vulnerability. In the process, those affected experience themselves as helpless and without any control.

In severe traumas, even brain structure changes. People who have been severely mistreated in their childhood bear the traces of it forever and become more susceptible to stress and depression. These are wounds that should be discovered to heal.

Trauma is in the mind and body.

Healing and scarring are necessary for the wounds and psychological distress of the past to determine us further. In the limbic system – our brain’s emotional center – memories are stored, even if we are not necessarily aware of them. This unconscious material can determine our life by a repetition compulsion. People affected by this often find themselves in similar situations and usually also with similar partners.

Only when old wounds heal can new connections arise in our brains. The past then becomes part of our story, which does not influence decisions today.


Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) occurs as a delayed mental reaction to traumatic events.

Typical for PTSD is the so-called symptoms of reliving, which are imposed on those affected during the day in the form of memories of the trauma, in daydreams or flashbacks, and at night in nightmares.

A state of nervous over-excitement is frequently added, which can settle in the form of sleep disturbances, irritability, difficulty concentrating, increased alertness, or marked dreadfulness.

Trauma, healing trauma


How can hypnotherapy help in the treatment of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorders?

The goal of our work is the detection and healing of your old wounds and end the anxiety/panic cycle. So that you are happy and self-confident.

Your treatment for trauma

Treatment duration
• 2 to 6 sessions
• Session length: 2 or 3 hours

Our services

Hypnotic intensive sessions for trauma. Those include:
o   Free telephone support
• Regression and analytic-conversational hypnosis,
• Hypnosis-coaching,
• Mindfulness,
• Work with part-personalities,
• Healing of the inner child,
• MEFT (Mindful Emotional Freedom Therapy),
• NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming),
• Energy therapy – is used depending on the problem.
o   Mindful self-hypnosis, which is a highly effective self-hypnosis technique for physical and mental self-influencing results.

Further information

You can find additional information regarding methods of hypnosis HERE. Please also note the paragraph about contraindications. Any questions? Give us a call on 01774512080.

§§§ We are not doctors, do not make any medical diagnoses, administer or prescribe any medications, and do not give any healing promises. Our work as a hypnotherapist (state-approved for psychotherapy/health insurance) cannot replace a visit to a doctor. The therapists can decide in individual cases whether to accept or reject treatment.


Online Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, and OnlineCoaching