Social phobia

On this page, we will inform you more about anxiety and phobias as well as give you an insight into how and under what circumstances can a hypnosis therapy makes sense to you.

  • Are you afraid of attracting attention, making a fool of yourself, or behaving awkwardly?
  • Do you feel watched and tense in the company of others?
  • Are you afraid of being judged negatively?
  • Do you avoid social contacts?
  • Do you often wonder what others think about you?

Then you may have social phobia or some strong social anxiety.

Social phobia

Social phobia is the most common form of anxiety disorder, along with panic-type and agoraphobia. Social phobia often arises in adolescence. Characteristics of social phobia include the exaggerated and inappropriate fear of negative evaluation, an over-reluctant fear of being judged, criticized or rejected, negatively conspicuous, somehow embarrassing, and unintentionally in the spotlight.

Some people, for example, have severe stage fright when having to speak in front of others during a lecture. Others are afraid of talking to people they don’t know at events. Some do not even dare to eat, write or speak in the presence of others – fearing that they might in some way make a fool of themselves, drop something, or do something stupid. Many also fear the idea of being noticed afraid by others, that their cheeks glow red with excitement, like a lantern, that their hands are shaking, that there are beads of sweat on their foreheads – and that others interpret this as a sign of weakness.

People with social phobia usually try to make arrangements to be as inconspicuous and “normal” as possible. They control their behavior very precisely: they sit in the very last row, for example, avoid eye contact, and only speak when it is inevitable. Some drink alcohol to “relax,” others try to hide their red cheeks under thick make-up.

Distorted self-perception

The self-perception of people who have social phobia is usually heavily distorted. Their supposedly bad mistakes are often not noticeable to others. Also, their oversized fear is generally not recognizable for the outer environment.

Social phobia is not synonymous with shyness. Those affected need not be overly restrained in the environment – while under stress internally. Anxiety disorder makes a healthy togetherness often impossible and leads to loneliness and complete withdrawal. Social phobia is often associated with other mental health problems, such as depression. Both diseases can be mutually reinforcing.

Your treatment for social phobia

• 2 to 5 sessions
• Session length: 2 or 3 hour

Our services
Biodynamic – hypnotic intensive sessions for social phobia. Those include:
o   Free telephone support
o   Minimum one hypnosis CD/Stick for relaxation
• Regression and analytic-conversational hypnosis,
• Hypnosis-coaching,
• Mindfulness,
• Work with part-personalities,
• Healing of the inner child,
• MEFT (Mindful Emotional Freedom Therapy),
• NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming),
• Energy therapy – are used depending on the problem.
o   Mindful self-hypnosis, which is a highly effective self-hypnosis technique for physical and mental self-influencing results.

Further information

You can find additional information regarding methods of biodynamic hypnosis HERE. Please also note the paragraph about contraindications. Any questions? Give us a call or arrange a ½ hour free appointment.

§§§ We are not doctors, do not make any medical diagnoses, administer or prescribe any medications, and we do not give any promises of healing. Our work as a hypnotherapist (state-approved for psychotherapy/health insurance) cannot replace a visit to a doctor. The therapists can decide in individual cases whether to accept or reject treatment.

Online Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, and Online Coaching

Methods we apply