Psychological Counseling and Strategic Coaching

There are situations in life where family and friends alone cannot help anymore. Psychological counseling and strategic coaching can help. Many people, however, are reluctant to accept professional help.

There are successful methods that enable beneficial and straightforward solutions.

Possible advice topics include:

  • Life and mind crises,
  • Heartache,
  • Mourning,
  • Jealousy,
  • Anxiety,
  • Depression and burnout,
  • Conflict and bullying situations,
  • Work-life balance,
  • Disease and surgery,
  • Help with decisions,
  • Mourning

Coaching and advice – what does it bring?

Coaching is direct and sustainable. After just a few conversations, a lot will change for you:

You will:

  • Grasp the situation more clearly and see it from a different, and new perspective
  • Name and formulate new goals
  • Motivate yourself and tackle your problems directly
  • Trust your own skills and learn to use them
  • Handle time better
  • Develop strategies that you can apply immediately
  • Communicate and understand your fellow human beings better
  • (Re-) discover that life can bring joy
  • Experience your relationships with confidence and open-mindedness
  • Dream and dare to develop visions for your life
  • Feel more energetic
Psychological counseling and strategic coaching can help.

Often we feel not „good enough.“ This is the feeling of shame.

You are suffering a loss, and you have the feeling that your heart is broken? I have developed a heartbreak program.  I can help you wherever you are with a zoom session.

If you like to learn to meditate start here: Learn to Meditate in Seven Steps

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Entdecke mehr von Dr. Birgit Zottmann - Hypnose, Coaching, Therapie, EMDR, Ego States - Hypnosis, Therapy

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